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Design & Product works at Udaan

Few examples of the work i did at Udaan. These are not detailed case studies in any form.

Example Works only (Don’t consider this as casestudy )

Design, Research, Strategy

Works by me & a team of engineers

Increasing Average Order Value

  • UX Strategy
  • Design
  • Prototyping
  • Research & Testing
  • Me – Design Lead
  • Siddharta, Faizal – Engg

We wanted to increase the average order value of the customer from a seller. So Udaan by default has a minimum order value for each item based on the category of the item.

Ratings - Platform Trust

Other Works - Electronics & Fashion

Thanks for reading! Checkout my other design works.

SASS works and couple of other mobile projects preview
Swvl Redesign
Design examples of work done during my time at Ola cabs
Redesign of dashboard for Hubstaff - a time tracking tool